openstax biology 2e answer key

This text is very comprehensive, covering all topics that should be included in a two semester undergraduate introductory biology course for Biology majors/premedical students. The overall clarity if the text is equivalent to other introductory level biology textbooks, but one feature that I feel elevates this text beyond average is the inclusion of several "Visual Connection" items in each chapter. As always when covering such a large amount of information in relatively selective detail, some topics will get more or less attention than an instructor may wish to cover in their own course, but the OER nature of the text makes it fairly customizable. During my review, I noticed some things i would correct. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. American Biology Teacher 56:7, 405-407. Compared to conventional textbooks, it is typically accurate and perhaps a little above average in freshness. There are a few areas that I am pleasantly surprised by the detail included, but other areas where I am a little surprised to see detail lacking. WebBiology" because of its inclusion of "Adaptation" instead of the introductory chapter from "Biology 2E" because of the current omission. The text is written so that updates should be easy to insert into each section. The book uses relatively few examples or images of people, so while it does not highlight diversity, it also did not feel exclusionary to me. in a basic biology textbook would be helpful. It is likely that an instructor adopting this text, seeking the best possible learning environment for her students, will use many resources from other publishers, in effect, shifting the financial backing for resources to publishers who charge considerably prices to access their products. Here also, we are willing to provide you with the support that you need. read more. The problems I read through struck me as sensible and mostly straightforward. Thats because, we at the Vending Service are there to extend a hand of help. I am reviewing this textbook not for a first year course in introductory biology, but for a second-year one-semester course on the integrative biology of animals. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site 13. The main problem I noticed (at least with the online version of the text) is that you can't click on the figures to open up an enlarged version of the figure in higher resolution, either in a separate window or within the body of the text. The format od each section should be consistent across reading platforms. The modularity of this book is stellar, especially in the online version. Atoms that vary in the number of neutrons found in their nuclei are called ________. I am reviewing this textbook not for a first year course in introductory biology, but for a second-year one-semester course on the integrative biology of animals. I have only used the online interface, which had no issues. These highlighted boxes standout for the students as something extra and interesting, and the information is not lost in the main text. The writing is fairly accessible for beginning biology students. Im used to seeing A&P chapters laid out from an evolutionary perspective (e.g. I really enjoy that the learning objectives are broken down by section to facilitate the discussion of one or more sections at a time rather than the entire chapter content. I didn't notice any issues. WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. On page 54, this sentence requires a fuller explanation: Cells can only survive freezing if the water in them is temporarily replaced by another liquid like glycerol. The interface is straightforward and gets the job done. Good to have a glossary at the end of each chapter but the definitions could have more depth and research. a. how selective forces change the allele frequencies in a population over time b. the genetic basis of population-wide traits Overall, the coverage of subjects is appropriate for an introductory majors-level textbook that would be used across two (or more) semesters. For the most part topics are presented in a logical sequence, except for the Evolution chapters. Van der Waals attractions can occur between any two or more molecules and are dependent on slight fluctuations of the electron densities, which are not always symmetrical around an atom. The text is mostly consistent however, they have provided the square for accessing videos, and also provide a link to videos, but sometimes the link to the videos is not available on a pc computer. Please check your connection and try again. It is acceptable for a general reading level. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the The variation of individuals within a species is due to genetic factors, environmental factors, and their interactions. The overall organization of the course material is consistent with how it is taught at many institutions. The significance of these comparisons is not explained. In Figure 20.7: For example, the bones in the wings of bats and birds have homologous structures. This is a poor example, since these wings are both homologous as vertebrate forelimbs and analogous as wings. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments. The sequence of topics covered, the organization of content within chapters, and each chapters ending with a list of key terms, a summary and questions contribute to the book's clarity. Urochordate and vertebrate embryos share a novel embryonic tissue layer: migratory neural crest cells. 4.8, 5.4, 5.19, 33.21, 33.23, 34.19, 40.17, 38.38, 41.13, 41,13, 42.11, 43.15, 43.17, 46.6, 46.10; there are many more examples like these. The fact that it is open source textbook, allows it to be readily modified or updated by individual instructors. Chapters that involve complex areas including genetics, physiology, and the immune system could be a bit more user friendly for the population that this text should serve. While this provides a concise orientation to ATP, why not take the opportunity to link to the more detailed description of ATP provided in chapter 6 here? We focus on clientele satisfaction. p.214 error (again) in the equations/arrows. I think this question would be more appropriate to ask students after they use this textbook for class. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 Potassium has an atomic number of 19. With an online text the capability of providing updates in a timely fashion would appear to be easily accomplished. More importantly, however, rapid advances are made in many aspects of modern biology, most notably in molecular genetics, but even other areas are undergoing change from the application of molecular approaches and new discoveries. It also is relatively current, and includes some relatively recent knowledge, but the time for a major update is approaching. The standard topics of biology are covered well and provide students with a solid foundation of the subject area. For the level of students being targeted, there is sufficient focus. Energy is conserved, but does not recycle, as energy is lost as heat in each chemical reaction. While the authors are currently relevant and up to date. The answer guide available to verified instructors (verification is simple and takes about a day or two) is useful. As an older reader, the small artwork was a challenge for me to work out, but expanding the magnification of what I see on the screen certainly helped. The online format should make it easy to update.There are no peer reviewed references for each chapter so there is no way to know that the material is scientifically accurate. 2nd Edition. However, the authors did an excellent job of looking at a global perspective when reviewing conservation issues and biodiversity on other continents. However, some have low resolution, which makes their interpretation difficult. Of course this applies to any textbook. The content is up to date with no glaring and serious mistakes. Its not clear that the author understands it, frankly. At the end of the text, it would have been nice to pair Plant Structure and Function with the plant diversity chapters in the previous unit, and likewise for the Animal Structure and Function. Ive been using them for my class even before adopting the book Chair, Umpqua Community College on 8/21/16, Content Depth: A- To this end, the text could swap outdated, less commonly used biotechnology methods for more recent developments (e.g., CRISPR). Like all online texts, there is inevitably some scrolling involved to then find specific information, but this is more a limitation of reading on a screen (something I personally dont prefer) than the specific online interface of this book. In many cases, we found this necessitated rereading and trying to interpret meaning from sentence context. External supplementary links are provided and augment the text. I appreciate the highlighted boxes that provide additional information, such as the Visual, Everyday, and Career Connections. The former links students to videos, animations, and primary literature while the latter highlights different careers that apply to the section discussed in the text. The text covers essential content in sufficient detail for an introductory and/or non-majors biology survey type course. If xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does it have? Sample answer: Gatorade contains water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, salt, sodium chloride, monopotassium phosphate, and sucrose acetate isobutyrate. Alternate ISBN (s) 9781506699851. There is adequate coverage of evolutionary processes and mechanisms of speciation in later chapters. It is linear, without unnecessary bifurcations. So this can easily be used for this purpose. I dont see any difficulty with keeping the text (relatively) up-to-date if the same typical topical arrangement remains acceptable to users. Each section has a Glossary but I could not identify a Glossary for the whole text. Reviewed by Shaun Blevins, Adjunct Professor, OhioLink on 8/15/19, This textbook provides an excellent discourse on the many foundational ideas of Biology. The text in that section was correct, but an incorrect figure can easily confuse students who are not familiar with the topic. (I use the phrases appear to be, light-skinned, and male-presenting because I do not presume to know how all the people in all the photographs identify.) The section dedicated to gene therapy is very short and there's no specific mention to CRISPR. Answers to text and chapter questions are also provided. Chapters can be taken out of order. One surprisingly omission in this section is the lack of total ATP yield from oxidative phosphorylation. Reviewed by Lisa Turnbull, Instructor, Lane Community College on 1/7/16, This text is fairly comprehensive. Some of the text in images is a little hard to read. Similarly, an instructor would need to be able to fill in more details and context for many of the topics by consulting other texts or teaching materials. 2.15 This book is a great free replacement for the textbook we normally use from a large name publisher. 19. Vending Services (Noida)Shop 8, Hans Plaza (Bhaktwar Mkt. In the latter instance, this could be improved by first defining a term or telling the student what a term means before describing it, its use, and relevance. I did not find anything culturally insensitive. read more. I compare the chapter from Biology 2e to both the first edition Openstax Biology and a traditional introductory text from a major Carrying capacity is a feature of a populations environment, not of the population. I do believe that the text is written in such a manner that it would be relatively easy to update. For new instructors, I would also feel like they would need an alternative textbook, at least for reference since this book has so much less depth on most topics. Often in printed textbooks the material can be outdated by several years. I could see my students enjoying this text and the approach that is used in presenting material. Furthermore, an instructor can edit the text for their own student population and according to their unique needs. There was nothing culturally insensitive that I could find. Cultural Relevance: A The art is well done and has clear images that are well labeled. Reading this textbook was remarkably easy and smooth which is much different than the textbooks I remember reading for general biology when I was an undergraduate. My attempt to use a QR code scanner app of a mobile phone on the PDF of the textbook on a laptop screen didnt work and clicking the URL indicated the link was no longer current. The overall order of the chapters seems to me to reflect an "order of discovery" approach that I have seen in the Campbell book (Mendelian genetics before DNA, speciation before population genetics). The genetics section of this book appears to be consistent. I found them very densely written. Reviewed by Emily Jane McTavish, Asst. I found few errors. In Fig 5.4 a new illustration of bilayer is needed because the current diagram is not very clear. In other instances, particularly later chapters, clarity could be improved with more and/or improved visuals. Students will be confused and uncertain how the two strands are represented. I did not notice any discrepancies in terminology. Which of the following statements is true? Each chapter is divided into several smaller sections and each section has their own learning goals. Material is presented in an engaging way with practical examples that students can easily relate to. Why do organisms need energy at all? But I confess that I was not look closely at the grammar. ATP. I have personally adopted the Openstax Biology textbook, which I assign to my introductory biology students as a reference text. The written text is straightforward and easy to read, albeit sometimes disjointed, like more than one author wrote the chapter. For some of the less frequently taught concepts (Algae/Protist diversity) the sections are a little thinner than other non-OER texts. I tried several times to access the Instructor Power Points that are supposedly available, and I could not get the website to work. 1. I do intend to advocate for the adoption of a customized version of this text to my colleagues who co-teach this course. Ive been editing them a bit to make it easier for kids to type directly into boxes as we use google docs/google classroom. This reviewer did not notice any jargon being used. I thought this was very poor. Each chapter includes at least one link to an external resource. Is correct in terminology and descriptions. For the most part the content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. I appreciate the discussion of controversial topics as well as the career links that introduce students to multiple facets of biology. Individual sections (or even subsections) can be revised or rewritten and plugged in as needed, without interrupting the flow of the text (assuming a similarity of writing style). In some cases, the art is overly simplistic, and in others it is difficult to follow the progression of events in a process. The cell is in a quiescent (inactive) stage that occurs when cells exit the cell cycle. A G0 cell is far from quiescent metabolically and this term will mislead students. However, I firmly believe that these small errors are mainly in sections that would not be covered in most one-semester courses, and could easily be clarified by the professor if they were covered. I also did not find an easy way to highlight or make notes in the online version, which are features often available in commercial online texts. On page 524, phylogeny is very poorly defined: Phylogeny describes the relationships of an organism, such as from which organisms it is thought to have evolved, to which species it is most closely related, and so forth. Ouch! Again, the instructor can supplement. I do think that the book misses several opportunities to have a more critical look at the use of science, but it thankfully does so in a side bar on eugenics. I did not examine the online version in-depth, but I could find no issues with distorted images, pagination nor confusing captions. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 I loved the Link to Learning, I have used a number of the linked sites in my courses however it did open up a world of other valuable sites. I did not notice cultural insensitive in this book; it includes mention of women scientists (Figure 14.16 Elizabeth Blackburn, telomerase) and discussion some genetic disease that occur more frequently in particular populations. I really liked the integration of links to animations and videos in the text. There are no citations within the text to reference where the facts in the text were researched. The section on prokaryotic cells does not mention the circular shape of their DNA, but it is then eluded to in the section on eukaryotic cells. The textbooks content and depth of coverage are comparable to current commercial introductory biology textbooks. They are very basic and do little to help students visualize biological concepts and structures. Text didnt self-reference too much, which is very useful for classes that only cover part of the text. The critical thinking questions are generally pretty good. Have the text as both an online and pdf document is helpful because if student needed to increase the size of the image, they could always look at the other version. Overall, I found that Biology 2e was very strong in terms of comprehensiveness perspective. While the authors have consistently kept descriptions to the minimum, it would be unfair to expect great explanations for the various topics in biology some of which we have entire courses designed for them. However, these errors are minimal for a 1500+ page text. Reviewed by Dara Wegman-Geedey, Professor of Biology, Augustana College on 6/19/18, Given that this is a text for two semester introductory sequence in biology for undergraduates, it appears to be very comprehensive. It is a scientific text and presents the material in a way that should not be offensive to any one. For example 14.3, a dead mouse image was unhelpful in understanding this classic experiment. I have no impression that it will be quickly out of date. Easier import power into different LMS platforms. Evolution is defined--incorrectly--only once (in the Chapter 18 Summary). If you are throwing a tea party, at home, then, you need not bother about keeping your housemaid engaged for preparing several cups of tea or coffee. WebCh. Content viewed appears to be accurate and unbiased. This example most closely resembles which type of reasoning? I think this book has great potential and I really want to adopt this book in order to save students money. But it does allow the reader to come to their own conclusion. I didn't notice any errors in the textbook. However, I wonder if there might be a better way to organize some material. The next section, 19.3 Adaptive Evolution, does focus on natural selection but not in the context of population genetics. Would it be possible to move the image credits to an Appendix at the end of the text? Note that those instructors whose general biology sequence begins with organisms in the first semester and moves to molecules in the second semester would have to use the chapters out of order, which shouldnt be much of a problem (see comments on modularity above). It is nice that links to animations and webpages are included. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. WebCh. The nice thing about biology is that it is accessible to most everybody who is interested in learning. (Examples include: why do we use action potentials for internal communication instead of direct current or signaling using photons; why are our skeletons made of calcium and phosphate rather than other minerals, and why do mammals use an inefficient tidal lung while birds use an efficient one-way flow that can extract more oxygen than mammals?) Other GitHub openstax / cnx-recipes Public Notifications Fork 14 Star 5 Code Issues 81 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights New issue Overall this book does a great job and overall I believe that it is an adequate substitution for a published text that students purchase, although some connections between themes may need to be emphasized. The distinction between charophytes and the other taxon within the green algae was made clearly in Chapter 23. I did not notice grammatical errors in the text or figures. ),Opp.- Vinayak Hospital, Sec-27, Noida U.P-201301, Bring Your Party To Life With The Atlantis Coffee Vending Machine Noida, Copyright 2004-2019-Vending Services. When acids are added to a solution, the pH should ________. I had absolutely no problem understanding the content in this textbook. The chapter sections are well defined and accurately titled. In this reviewer's opinion, this amount of detail is sufficient for the level of students being targeted. Vending Services has the widest range of water dispensers that can be used in commercial and residential purposes. Webquestions biology 2e openstax biology 2e openstax staar biology answer key paper 2022 release texas kcet 2023 questions concepts of biology openstax kvs answer key 2023 released download omr sheet textbook answers gradesaver Aug Reviewed by Ashley Gramza, Instructor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. Links to supplementary materials such as videos and activities are included throughout each chapter. For instance, all of the trees, flowers, insects, and other populations in a forest form the forests community; in Figure 6.3: Both plants and animals use cellular respiration to derive energy from the organic molecules originally produced by plants; and on page 228: Photosynthesis is essential to all life on earth; both plants and animals depend on it. Each chapter subsection starts with 3-5 clear and concise learning outcomes. The writing is well done, with minimal jargon. Overall, this book provides what I need content-wise for my introductory courses. However, any such statements could easily be clarified or amended, so I think this book will have good longevity. Definitely share, Im in that group. Organization is certainly logical, topics are in their predicted locations. All texts tend to emphasize some areas over others, and this is no exception. The organismal themes are oriented toward animal function and structure (which can be found in the majority of the book), with only a cursory coverage of plant structure and function (similar to what is found in the majority of biology textbooks). Because the book provides only survey-level detail, occasionally concepts are over-simplified, but I did not notice major factual errors. You have saved me many hours of work. This text also contains chapter summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions. Once again, the regular active submission of errors/suggestions by end users will help to keep the text up-to-date. Often the term is explained later (either later in the paragraph or chapter, but sometimes not until another section of the book). Core concepts for introductory level college course are addressed in sufficient detail, without overly complicating the material for this audience. This is outdated terminology that has no place in a general biology textbook. They are generally uniform in length, although some subsections are longer or shorter than others depending on the topic. read more. One example is section 25.1, which rattles through a few basic concepts in plant biology, but without enough context to make it clear to the reader how those concepts fit into the greater story of plant evolution. Few students know that humans are Opisthokonts and more closely related to Fungi than Fungi are to Plants. The content appears up to date, especially in the genetics section which changes so rapidly. ", Reviewed by Alex Werth, Professor, Hampden-Sydney College on 6/20/17, The book is nicely comprehensive in its overall selection of units and chaptersall the basic components of any standard semester-long or year-long general biology course for majors or a mixed nonmajors/majors audience. So if you are not trying to differentiate yourself from any of the other general biology textbooks, then the writing in this website doesnt really make a difference in the selection of a textbook. Some of these topics, for examples DNA sequencing, only Sanger sequencing has a figure and next generation sequencing is described in a few sentences. It shows biology in light of evolution and in light of molecular biology. Part of the reduction in length is a loss of supporting images and real world examples, but these can be easily supplied to the class in a powerpoint or out-of-class reading assignment. No errors of fact or interpretation were evident to me. In the online version, each term is hyperlinked to the appropriate section, whereas in the pdf index, the link goes to the key term list at the end of the chapter. For example, the figure depicting Southern blotting (17.6) does not show how the probes hybridize (why you get a band rather than a smear) though it is described in the text. The terms and phrasing used within the text were extremely consistent. However most texts offer a maximum ATP per glucose value to frame the possible range, then go on to explain the factors influencing total ATP produced. I found chapters and subheadings on nearly every topic that I expected to see in a biology text for majors. The reviewer has no issues with the grammar used in this textbook. One of the great benefits of this textbook is its ability to be updated without the need for students to purchase a new edition. I am optimistic that this book will be quite useful for me and my students. The textbook is written in a clear language, easy to understand by freshmen students. Two, some chapters simplify explanations. Reviewed by Samuel Flaxman, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20, The PDF of the text is over 1500 pages in length, making it very long (by print standards). Single-celled eukaryotes and the major phyla of animals. Any possible problems can be easily fixed or updated. At approximately 1,500 pages, the book is slightly longer than other books weve used, but the additional length may be due to the I didnt find many examples of research made by women or by scientists from diverse backgrounds. This is fairly common in most textbooks, but many General Biology courses will cover the plant unit and the animal unit in two distinct parts of the course. The same topics are presented in pretty much the same order/with the same logical flow. Also, all terms that might be unfamiliar to students are used simply and properly, then defined in each chapter-end glossary. The unit and chapter breakdown was very well done and organized appropriately. Many authors contributed, so terms were often used before they had been explained in any depth, and some connections were missed or redundantly discussed. Accessible for beginning biology students as a reference text multiple facets of biology are covered well and openstax biology 2e answer key with! Content and depth openstax biology 2e answer key coverage are comparable to current commercial introductory biology textbooks textbook we normally from! Particularly later chapters are presented in a general biology textbook, which makes their interpretation.... Are supposedly available, and offer everyday applications do little to help students visualize biological concepts structures. And research that vary in the online version most closely resembles which type of reasoning that... 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